Previous Issues, Vol. 1-17.1998-2021-23:
An Official Journal of the International College
of Nutrition
Co-Editors in Chief: Ram B Singh (India), Germaine Cornelissen (USA)
Looking for Publisher as Partner
Prof. Dr R B Singh, MD,FICN,FICC
Tsim Tsoum Institute
ul. Golebia 2
31-007 Krakow
POLAND, email:
IJCN, E-Copy.
Dr Mahmood Moshiri, MD,FICN, Richmond, Canada, Dr Mahmood Moshiri
1.Editorials and Commentaries (1-3pages with 5-15 references);4-6 in each issue.
2.Cardiovascular and Nutrition News.100-500 words on any area of nutrition.
3.Clinical Reviews.2-3 each issue;10-20pages (Mini reviews-10 pages,50 references) with not
more than 100 references,10% references,> 2 years old for all the components of IJCN.
4.Contributions from Future Cardiologists and Nutritionists (2-3 each issue); Experiences of the
residents and PhD scholars, related to nutrition, ;2-3 pages with 5 references.
5.Original Research Articles.5-10 articles each issue with 5-10 pages with references, not more
than 50.
6.Brief Reports: Papers on cases , case reports with less scientific but acceptable
methods.2pages,<10 references.
7.World Heart Forum/World Nutrition Forum : Letters to the editor on articles published in any
indexed journal of the world and any interesting brief report not exceeding one page. Criticism
of the policy makers of each country especially western world because the whole world follows
the west.- one page,5 references.
6.International College of Nutrition Highlights: News from the members.
7.Pharma and Food Health Forum: Injustice done with Food companies and Pharma companies
doing unethical practices would be highlighted by impartial experts, preferably from experts of
pharmaceutical and instrument manufacturing companies to give them voice for benefit of the
people,s health.
8.Calendar of Conferences.
1.Epidemiology of Food intakes, Nutrition and Prevention.2.Chronocardiology and
Chronomics.3.Nutrition and Lifestyle in CVD.4.Nutrition in Clinical Medicine.5.Cardiovascular
Sciences( Molecular Cardiology: biochemistry and biology and nutrition).6. Functional Food
Security, Food Security 8.Pharmacotherapy.
9.Electrophysiology10.Echocardiography.11.Nuclear Cardiology.12.Pediatric Cardiology and
Nutrition.13. Nutrition in pregnancy and infancy. 14.Geriatric Nutrition.14.Nutrition in CVD in
women.15.Nutritional Rehabilitation and prehabilitation.16. Nutritional Intervention.17.Food
and Health. Functional foods and Genetically Modified foods.
IJCN is the journal of ICN and ICC and would consider publication of manuscripts for its
various sections, pertaining to Nutrition, health and disease as well as cardiovascular diseases.
Manuscripts should be addressed to Professor R B Singh, MD, FICN, FICC (Please send smaller
Editorial Policy:
The IJCN disapproves the submission of same article simultaneously to different journals for
consideration as well as duplicate publication. Opinions expressed in the articles published in the
IJCN, are those of the authors and not necessarily of the editor. Neither the editors, nor the
publisher guarantees, warrants or endorses any product or service advertised in the journal. The
accepted papers, would be edited, without altering the meaning to improve clarity and sense.
Every manuscript submitted to IJCN, would be scrutinized, by two or more refries before
Guidelines for Manuscript Submission:
The manuscript should be prepared, in accordance with the uniform requirements for
manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals, compiled by the International Committee of
Medical Journal Editors (N Engl J Med,1997,336:309-315.).
We need soft copy of the manuscripts, typed in single space,on the page, throughout. The
manuscript should be arranged in order; Covering letter, title page with authors and their
affiliations, abstract structured, introduction, methods, results, discussion, acknowledgements,
references, tables and legends to illustrations. One set of illustrations in an envelope, should be
attached at the end. The pages of the manuscript should be numbered, beginning with the title
page. It is important to submit an electronic version of manuscript,3.5 inch, diskette/CD, to
facilitate printing by the publisher.
Covering Letter.
All authors or corresponding author on behalf of all, should take the responsibility of signing the
covering letter, indicating that all agree with the contents, and all have participated in the study
or in the writing of manuscript and the article is entirely submitted to IJCN.
Copy Rights. Acceptance of the manuscript for publication in the ICN,implies transfer of
copyright to the publisher but authors can use the material elsewhere after giving full reference
of IJCN..
A full list of references should be included at the end of the article.The references should
conform to the Vancouver style and should be numbered,consecutively in the order,in which
they first appear in the text.These should be given in parentheses( ).References cited only in the
tables should be numbered in accordance with a sequence established by the first identification in
the text of a particular table or illustration.Personal communications, unpublished articles should
not be cited as references,though these may be mentioned in the text in parentheses.Abstract
should not be used as references unless,it is very important.
1.Articles in Journals. Authors surname followed by first and middle name initials,title of
paper,name of journal,year of publication,volume,page number of beginning-and last page of the
article.Include the names of all authors,if there are 5 or less.If six or more,the first 3 followed by
et al. The title of the journal should be abbreviated according to the style, used in the Index
Medicus. e.g Singh RB,Cornelissen G,Weydahl A et al. Circadian heart rate and blood pressure
Considered for research and patient care.Int J Cardiology 2003,87:9-28.
2.Articles in books.Authors,title, edition,publisher, city,year,pages.
eg.Singh RB, Rastogi SS. Nutritional Aspects of Hypertension. International College of
Nutrition, Moradabad,India,1989,p-
3.Chapter in book. Authors, chapter title, book title, edition, editors, publishers, city, year, pages.
e g
Otsuka K, Shobgo M, Kozo M et al. Chronomes,aging and disease. Ecological Destruction,
Health and Development: Advancing Asian Paradigms. Furukawa H, Nishibuchi M, Kono Y,
Kaida Y(eds),Kyoto University Press, Japan 2004,p367-394.
Editor in Chief: Dr R B Singh,MD. FICN(India).Dr Tapan K Basu,PhD,FICN (Canada),
Editors: Dr Shaw Watanabe,MD, FICN(Japan), Dr Damien Downing(UK),Dr G
Cornelissen,PhD(USA),Dr Daniel Pella,MD(Slovakia),Dr Mahmood Moshiri(Canada),Dr
Jaipaul SinghPhD(UK),Dr Lekh R Juneja (Japan)
Assistant Editors: Dr SN Acharya, PhD,FICN (), Dr M Moshiri (Iran),Dr Manohar Garg
(Australia), Dr Sukhinder Cheema (Canada), Dr Toru Takahashi (Japan), Dr SS Rastogi (India),
Dr Jan Fedacko (Slovakia),
Consulting Editor, Dr Franz Halberg, MD,FICN(Hon),USA,
Managing Editors: Dr JP Sharma, PhD,FICN ; ,Dr R B Singh(Responsibility of contents)
Contact address
Tsim Tsoum Institute
ul. Golebia 2
31-007 Krakow
Publication charges; US$200.00 or equal INR, per article up to 10 printed pages.
Information for the Advertisers:
Black and white US$250.00 full page, US$500.00 color ,per issue; For 4 issues in
2005,US$1000.00 and US$2000.00,respectively.