Joining Physiological health dynamics,functional food industry, nutraceuticals and health promotion, for disease prevention.
Main tentative topics of the WCCN Scientific programme:
- Physiology,anatomy and biochemistry of nutrition
- Effect of feeding animals on animal foods; milk, egg, meat etc
- Physiology of circadian food energy metabolisms.
- Processed functional foods: a challenge to food industry
- Holistic approaches to health and nutrition
- Functional food security for world health
- Research news in the agriculture with reference to GM foods.
- Healthy food processing, suggestions for industry
- Cutting Edge Research in the field of medical nutrition
- Micronutrient-deficit induced malnutrition and its correction
- Pharmaconutrition and Natural Health products
- Home enteral and parenteral nutrition
- Prebiotics and Probiotics
- Experimental animal nutrition
- Food safety and agenda of EU, WHO and FAO
- Nutraceuticals and Food Quality.
- Eating Behavior
- Young Investigators Award
- Senior Investigators, award (Write to Dr Tapan Basu,
Sept. 27-29: Scientific Program and Sight Seeing.
Venue: Hotel
Dr Krasimira Hristova, MD,PhD, FICN ,>
Wellcome Message
Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the Local Organizing Committee and the International College of Nutrition, you are invited to participate in the 27th WCCN 2023, Sept 27-29,2024, at Sofia, Bulgaria. The WCCN came for the second time at Sofia. Here we intend to ensure pleasant, safe and inspiring atmosphere for discussing physiological as well as practical side of clinical nutrition from the research of tools of nutrition to the final use of the processed nutrients and foods developed by the food industry for physiology and metabolism in health and diseases. This approach could be highly successful if scientists of physiology, physiopathology,anaesthesiology, chrononutrition, academic agriculture, food industry, pharmacy, veterinary sciences and medicine work in collaboration. This event offers meeting point for participants coming from all over the world to meet old friends and make new friends.
We will facilitate discussions with invited lectures demonstrating the cuting adge of the specific topics.
We, the organizers are convinced that the combination of knowledge on healthy food, nutrition induced diseases and different treatment modalities will help in global health promotion and prevent problems like obesity, cardiometabolic syndrome and other chronic diseases by providing total health including mental and spritual health, apart from social and physical health.We, personally cordially invite all of you to join us in the WCCN 2024 meeting.
Dr Krasimira Hristova, MD,PhD, FICN , President, 27th WCCN
Dr MS Siddiqui,MD, FICN, President, International College of Nutrition, 2024
Organising Committee:
Dr Krasimira Hristova,MD, PhD, FICN President, <>
Dr , Secretary General, 27th WCCN,
Dr LR Juneja,PhD, FICN, International Vice President, ICN
Dr Najah Hadi, MD,PhD, FICN, Secretary, ICN
Dr Aminat Magomedova,PhD, FICN, Secretary, ICN
Dr. Raimar Loebenberg,PhD,FICN, Executive Director, University of Alberta, Canada
Dr Adrian Isaza,MD,PhD, FICN, USA, Executive Director, ICN, USA
Dr Ghizal Fatima, PhD,FICN, India, Imm. Former President,ICN
International Advisory Commettee:
Dr.Shashank Joshi, MD, DM,FICN, India
Dr Narsingh Verma,MD,FRCP,FICN, India
Dr. Raimar Loebenberg,PhD,FICN, Executive Director, University of Alberta, Canada
Dr Adrian Isaza,MBBS,PhD, USA, Chairman, American Chap.USA
Dr Lekh Juneja, PhD, FICN,Int Vice President,Japan
Dr Toru Takahashi, PhD,FICN, Secretary General, Japan
Dr Anuj Maheshwari, MD,FICN, India
Dr Istvan Telessy,PhD,FICN, Hungary
Dr RG Singh,MD, FICN, India
Dr.Ram.B.Singh, Founder, ICN.India
Dr MS Siddoqui,MD,FICN, India
Dr Hardinsyah Ridwan, PhD, Indonesia
Dr Sergey Chibisov,MD,PhD, FICN, Russia
Dr Elina Kharlitskaya,PhD, FICN, Russia
Dr Sharad Rastogi,MD,PhD, FICN, USA
Dr OA Bawareed,MD,PhD, FICN, Jordan
Dr Ghazi Halabi,MD,PhD, FICN, Labnon
Dr Wajdy AlAwaida, MD,PhD, Jordan
Dr NR Hadi,MD,PhD, FICN, Iraq
Dr HS Buttar, PhD,FICN, Canada
Dr HS Gaur, MD,FICN, India
Dr Adrian Isaza, MD,PhD, FICN, USA
Dr Germaine Cornelissen PhD, USA
Dr Galal Elkilany,MD,PhD,FICN
Dr Osama Elmarghi,MD,PhD
Dr Daniel Pella,MD,PhD,FICN, Slovakia
Dr Fabien De Meester, PhD,FICN, Belgium
Dr Agnieszka Wilkzynska, PhD, FICN, Poland
Dr DW Wilson,PhD,Dsc, UK
Dr Jaipaul Singh,PhD,DSc,UK
Dr Oleg Medvedev,MD,PhD, Russia
Dr Aminat Magomedova, PhD,FICN, Russia,
Dr Megomed, Magamedov, PhD,
Dr Ghizal Fatima, PhD,FICN, India, <>
Dr Dr Ahmad Sulaeman,PhD, Ahmad Sulaeman
Dr Ibrahim Jantan,PhD, ibrahim jantan
Dr Wan Abdul Mannan,PhD,
Dr Sanit Wichansawakun, Thailand, <>
Dr Shaw Watanabe, MD,PhD, FICN, Japan,<>
Dr L R Juneja, PhD, FICN Japan, <>
Dr Teiji Nakamura, MD,PhD,
Dr Duo Li, PhD, China,
Dr Oleg Pokotylo,PhD, Ukraine,
Dr Gal Dubnow, MD,PhD, Israel
Dr Iliot Berry,MD, PhD, FICN, Israel
Dr Divya Rupini, PhD, USA
Dr Saibal Chakravorty,MD, FRCP,FICN, India
Awards: (Please contact Dr RB Singh/ Dr LR Juneja, with the list of ten of your best publications,
Dr SS Rastogi Memorial award,
Dr H Zumkley memorial award,
Dr J Nag Memorial award,
Dr Lech Ozimek Memorial award,
Dr JC Patel Memorial award,
Dr TK Basu Memorial award,
Dr Zhu Shoumin memorial award,
Dr RB Singh Felicitation award, Dr RG Singh Usha Felicitation award. Dr GS Sainani Felicitation award, Dr SN Acharya Felicitation award.
Registration and Accommodation
Please register and use the enclosed registration form given in the website; use one form per participant. You may download the form from the website:( and submit it electronically along with abstract and copy of passport if you want invitation letter..
All applications should be accompanied by full payment of the registration fees and lodging costs. The cost of hotel at Varanasi varies between US$40.00 to 100.00. But a Package may be available in lower cost.
Please note that upon receiving the full amount of the registration fee, a written confirmation of registration will be sent to you.
Invited speakers are requested to send brief 50 words CV for Introduction, along with photo in a power Point, to organizers, in a separate email to Mr Jitendra Singh
Registration fee for students/retired doctors is Euro. 150.00.
Foreigm Delegates: Euro.300.00
These rates are applicable up to April 30, 2024, after which registration fee would be Euro.400.00
All congress materials will be available at the registration desk at the conference venue during the congress for all the registrants.
Abstract: Submit abstract 200-250 words including: background, objective, subjects and methods, results and conclusions without mentioning these subheads. Please write complete address with email and mobile number of the corresponding author. Send it to Sercretariat via website:
Speakers from the International College of Nutrition
1.Dr Shashank Joshi (Mumbai, India) <, Functional foods in NCDs.(Please keep in plenary)
2. Dr Lekh Juneja, (Japan), , Nutraceuticals and functional foods (Plenary)
3.Dr Amit K De (India), , Nutrient and cell signaling with reference to functional foods and spices. (He has requested for plenary on 2nd day)
4.Dr Magomadov Magomed,PhD,FICN (Hon), <> health Food navigators.(Dr Zumkley Memoria award,please keep in plenary with chairpersons; Dr Ms Christina Zumkley and Dr RB Singh)
5. Dr R B Singh, (India), + Ms Sushav Singh, Super foods and diet quality.Plenary
6. Dr Banshi Saboo (Ahamadabad,India), <> Milletes, a boon to decrease risk of CMDs.
7. Dr Anuj Maheshwari (Lucknow, India),, Fenugreeks
8. Dr Narsingh Verma, (India),, Natural health products for diabetes.
9. Dr Ravi Kant (Rishikesh,India), Nutrition, and Gender diversity in insulin resistance.
10.Dr HS Buttar (Canada) Health Canada,, Holistic Lifestyle and Mediterraneal Diet for prevention of NCDs
12. Dr Al-Omar Bawareed,MD,PhD, Jordan, Омар Аль-Баварио, Omega-3 and flavonoids in osteoporosis.
13. Dr Krasimira Hristova (Bulgaria), <, The role of diets advised by AHA in the Asian context.
14. Dr Najah Hadi, (Iraq),, Nutraceuticals, curcurmin in ischemia/reperfusion.
15 Dr Istvan G Telessy, (Hungary), Low carb diet in cancer therapy. Nutraceuticals
16. Dr Jan Fedacko, Slovakia,, Coenzyme Q10 in CVDs and diabetes..
17.Dr Kshitij Bharadwaj, PhD,FICN, India, Fatty acids and health
18. Dr Ghazi Halabi, (Labonon), Ghazi Halabi Best foods of Labonon.
19. Dr Sergey Chibisov,(Russia), Сергей Чибисов ,Circadian restricted feeding.
20. Dr Toru Takahashi, (Japan), Toru Takahashi, Omeag-3 and Omega-6 fat
21. Dr Wan A Manan,Malaysia, Wan Manan, Relevance of Western guidelines for Asians.
22. Dr Ms Christina Zumkley, (Germany), Chairperson, Zumkley Memorial Lecture,
23. Dr Eszter Halmy,PhD, (Hungary), <>Nutritional aspects of the epidemic of obesity in Europe.
24. Dr Suresh Tyagi,PhD,FICN,(USA), epigenetics
25. Dr Bassim I Mohammed,MD,PhD, (Iraq), Nutraceuticals
26.Dr P N Tandon, MDS, India,, Mastication of foods and risk of metabolic syndrome.
27. Dr. Md. Iqbal Hossain, Bangladesh,, Epidemiology of undernutrition among children in Asia and affordable solution.
28. Dr Adrian Isaza, (USA),, Nutraceuticals for hyertension
29. Dr S Chakravorty,MD, drschakra07, Diet and metabolic syndrome.
30.Dr Fabien De Meester, (Belgium),, Nutrition and the Tsim Tsoum concept.
31.Dr Om K. Gupta, India,, health Effects of Flavonoids,
32,Dr Sarah Nwozo, (Nigeria), Best Foods from West Africa.
33.Dr Anil K Chauhan, India,, Beneficial and adverse effects of Cheese
Dr Wajdy Al Awaida, PhD, Jordan,, Nutrient and cancer.
Dr. Raimar Loebenberg,PhD,FICN, Executive Director,ICN, Nutraceuticals.
Dr Daniel Pella,(Slovakia),,,
Dr Agnieszka Wilczynska (Poland), Nutrient and brain function
Dr Rashmi Gautam, (India), <>
Dr Mukta Singh (India)
Dr Meenakshi Singh,India, Cancelled
Hyun Ryul Park.,(Korea), Lifestyle and health.
JP Sharma (India),,
Dr Galal Najib Elkilany, Egypt.UAE, Galal Elkilany <>
Dr Jaipaul Singh (UK),, Cancelled
Dr DW Wilson,(UK), <, CANCELLED
Dr Hardinsyah Ridwan,Co-Chairmen, <>
Ibrahim Jantan, PhD
Professor,Institute of Systems Biology
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor
Malaysia, ibrahim jantan <>
Prof Dr Hardinsyah MS
Division of Applied Nutrition
Departement of Community Nutrition,
Faculty of Human Ecology.
IPB University
Bogor, Indonesia.
Cell phone +6281229192259
Prof .khalid Rahman from Liverpool John Moore's University
The other is
Dr Nessar Ahmed from Manchester
Metropolitan UNiversity
Expected Experts but not sure.
Dr Sukhinder Kaur Cheema (Canada), <>
Dr Germaine cornelissen,USA,??
Dr UN Das (USA) <>
Dr Svetoslav Handjiev,Bulgaria, <>
Dr Pradeep Visen, Canada, <>
Dr Bonnie Sealock, USA, <>
Dr Duo Li, (China), Duo Li, no response
Dr Gundu Rao (USA),, not comming
Dr Shaw Watanabe, Japan, >,not comming
Dr Mahmood Moshiri, Canada,
Dr Christina Zumkley, (Germany), < COMMING)
Dr Mukta Singh, Varanasi,
Dr A K Chauhan, India, <>
Dr John J. Kennelly, President GCHERA, Edmonton,Canada,
Dr Ratan K Srivastav,(Varanasi, India) Ratan Srivastava <>
Dr Viliam Mojto,MD,PhD, Slovakia
Dr Buncha Ooraikul,Thailand,<>
Dr Arunporn Itharat, Thailand, <>
Dr.Naveen Krishan Goel,MD,FICN,Chandigarh-160030,
Dra. Ana Beatriz Rodríguez Moratinos, Spain
Full professor in Physiology, Department of Physiology
Faculty of Science,University of Extremadura, e-mail:
Dr RS Tomar,PhD, Junagarh,
Dr SN Acharya, Canada
Dr Ekasit Onsaard (Thailand) <>
Dr Wriya Phomkong, Thailand,
Professor Kamalinder Singh,UK, (
Following details to be sent to organizers for Invitation letter for visa.
Name: Dr Ram Bahadur Singh
Last name: Singh
email +
Country + India
visa/no visa +
Passport No.S0421094, date of expiry 2028
Date of arrival:
Date of departure:
Lecture type: Symposia/Plenary/Oral/Poster
Name………………………………….Age…… Sex
Qualification. MBBS/MD/DM/MSc/PhD/Student
Address for Correspondence………………………….
For Students, Details of Head of Institution.
Email Address……………………………….Tel…………..
Signature of Head……………………………………….
Registration fee: US$.300.00……… Before June 30,2020.
Students/retired experts. Registration fee. US$150.00 „ „
Bank draft No………………………………..Dated……………………
Accompanying persons= US$150.00 (includes hotel and meals)
Hotel package for Five nights with meals ,nov 16-21,2019)=US$150.00
Bank Transfer to the Account…Date….
Official Travel Agent/PCO(Dr Al-omar,Please give details)
Representative Director
Member of the Board
Executive Vice President
TEL +81-3-6858-7473
3-3-8 Irifune,Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0042, Japan
Prime Tower Tsukiji 3rd Floor